Customer Question – Releasing Solitary Bees

Q. “Hello, I would like to boost the number of solitary bees in my garden. I haven’t introduced these bees to my garden before so I am emailing you for

Customer Question – Lawn care safe for rabbits

Q. “Hi, I have a problem with heavy clay soil and ultimately a lot of moss growth. I also have two indoor rabbits that graze on the grass during suitable

Customer Question – Black Mould on Olive tree?

Q. “Do you have a product that will control the black mould on my Olive Tree – I have attached a couple of pictures for you to look at? It

Customer Question – Is this Leatherjacket Damage?

Q. “Hello there and I hope I can pick your brains re : leatherjackets? My lawn has had chafer grubs, about 10 yrs ago but no problems since (to my

Box Tree Caterpillar Decimation

Q. “Hi, My box hedge has been decimated by these beasts, first noticed a funny smell the other day and then all the leaves got eaten! Found in Kidderminster, Worcestershire.

Customer Question – Daddy Long Legs casings?

Q. “Hi there we’ve been seeing quite a few daddy long legs and I’ve also seen a few casings in the grass over the past week or so (picture below),

Customer Question – Leatherjackets or Chafer Grubs?

Q. “Hi, Year after year my precious lawn is devastated by badgers trying to get to the Leatherjackets. I understand that if I can control the Leatherjackets the badgers will

Customer Question – Is this lawn pest Chafer Grub?

Q. “Last year the lawn got dug up by crows and magpies from mid Sept onwards. In Spring we’ve dressed it with topsoil, re-seeded and it’s been healthy through the

Customer Question – Lawn Problem?

Q. “Hi, Could you tell us what this is please and how we can best get rid of it from our lawn? Is it Goosegrass? Do you have a treatment?”

Our guide to treating Whitefly with Encarsia Bio-control

Here is our quick guide to using natural pest control (Encarsia) for whitefly control. Professional growers have used natural pest control for protecting plants under glass from whitefly for many

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