2nd application of Leatherjacket Killer?

Q. “Hi, Four weeks ago I treated our lawn with Leatherjacket Nematodes. I was thinking of applying a second dose in next couple of days, to be on the safe

Customer Question – Woolly Aphids

Q. “Woolly Aphids – I’ve trained a crab apple into a fan (see below) and it’s looking lovely, but has had woolly aphids for the last 2 years with a

Customer Question – Woolly Aphids

Q. “Woolly aphid have infested my fan trained crab apple for the last 3 years – pictures attached. I bought ladybirds x2 in spring but never saw any after I

Customer Question – Scarifying Lawn and nematodes?

Q. “I’m about to order more leatherjacket nematodes, as have spotted a small number of crane flies emerging & desperately want to stave off another infestation. I am planning to

Fuchsia Gall Mite

Fuchsia Gall Mite is a microscopic sap-sucking pest that causes extensive damage to the growing tips of the plants affecting the appearance of fuchsias. These tiny pest mites cannot be

Controlling Scale Insect

Q. “Hello, our website directed me to ask this question about releasing lacewings after treating a tree with bug clear ultra. We have a significant infestation of scale insect on

Customer Question – Leatherjackets and dead lawn.

Q. “Hi –  We have an infestation of leatherjackets in our garden. I have purchased some Nemasys Leatherjacket Killer nematodes, but wanted to check something. The leatherjackets have killed all

Customer Update – Bee Factory

Hello Jon, I would like to report that all appears well with the Bee Factory. The “home” was placed outside some while ago in what I hoped was a good

Customer Question – What is this?

Q. “Can you identify this please and suggest a solution?” Many thanks Karen A. Thanks for the message and this is woolly aphids and we use a combination of SB

Happy Leatherjacket Customer

“Thank you for all the information you have given me about the treatment for leatherjackets and Nemasys Leatherjacket treatment was applied last September it’s looking rather good compared to last

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