Answering Our Customer’s Questions

Customer Question – Leatherjackets and dead lawn.

Q. “Hi –  We have an infestation of leatherjackets in our garden. I have purchased some Nemasys Leatherjacket Killer nematodes, but wanted to check something. The leatherjackets have killed all

Customer Update – Bee Factory

Hello Jon, I would like to report that all appears well with the Bee Factory. The “home” was placed outside some while ago in what I hoped was a good

Customer Question – What is this?

Q. “Can you identify this please and suggest a solution?” Many thanks Karen A. Thanks for the message and this is woolly aphids and we use a combination of SB

Happy Leatherjacket Customer

“Thank you for all the information you have given me about the treatment for leatherjackets and Nemasys Leatherjacket treatment was applied last September it’s looking rather good compared to last

Customer Advice – Treating Leatherjackets.

Q. “I have read the information on your website and would appreciate you advice on the best treatment our lawn. We had new turf laid in Spring 2021 and up

Customer Question – Aphids

Q. “My neighbour Jennifer recommended you about a 100 times and now I am ready with my order list and was wondering what to add potentially to get rid of

Q. “Hi, do you have a product that will successfully kill the horse tail weed, sometimes known as mare’s tail? I think it has come from my neighbour’s garden but

Customer Question – Heavy rain and LOTS of Leatherjackets

Q. “I ordered nematodes from you guys last week as we have an infestation of leatherjackets. We applied it on Sunday, doubled the amount etc, had no issues and all

Customer Question – Lawn care safe for rabbits

Q. “Hi, I have a problem with heavy clay soil and ultimately a lot of moss growth. I also have two indoor rabbits that graze on the grass during suitable

Customer Question – Black Mould on Olive tree?

Q. “Do you have a product that will control the black mould on my Olive Tree – I have attached a couple of pictures for you to look at? It

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