Worm Works Wormery – 4 tray with WORMS


The Worm Works Wormery is a layered wormery that is easy to use and will quickly convert your kitchen waste into FREE compost and liquid feed. The worms in a wormery are fast, efficient, natural composters able to eat up to half its own body weight in waste every day. Worms can compost virtually any organic kitchen waste (including veg peelings, tea leaves, coffee grounds, stale bread & hoover dust etc) turning it into FREE top quality compost (wormcasts) & liquid feed. This Worm Works Wormery is delivered in a single box by courier (see courier restrictions below) with 250g of worms and 4 trays included, so it will need setting up within 48 hours. Available in Black.

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Full Description

The Worm Works Wormery is a layered wormery that is easy to use and will quickly convert your kitchen waste into FREE compost and liquid feed. The Worm Works Wormery is delivered in a single box with 250g of worms included, so it will need setting up within 48 hours. It can be ordered with either 3 or 4 trays and will handle the kitchen waste from a family, but if your composting needs increase, extra trays can be added (up to a maximum of 5).

The Worm Works Wormery is very simple to assemble and it can be kept inside or out – mine is outside for the summer and in the greenhouse during the winter. The Worm Works Wormery is a stacking wormery with each tray holding 25 litres of waste and measures 43cms wide x 43cms long and 17cm deep. Each Worm Works Wormery consists of a sturdy base, a sump tray, which collects the liquid feed and a tap PLUS a Coir Bedding Block, 250g of composting worms, 2 kg Lime Mix and 2kg Worm Treat. Once assembled the 3 tray wormery measures 43cm x 43 cm x 75. To start :-

  • Assemble the sump by attaching the base to the sump tray (bolts included) and attach the tap.
  • Place the 1st tray on top of the sump and add the worms / bedding.
  • Start adding kitchen waste to the bottom tray – in the beginning it is best to add small amounts of waste regularily to allow the worms to settle in.
  • Once the 1st tray is full, start filling the next tray and then the next and so on.
  • The worms start “eating” the kitchen waste in the bottom tray and once finished, they move up to the next tray. Simply keep adding waste & filling the trays.
  • As the worms eat the waste, the trays sink down and stay in contact with each other, so the worms can easily move between the trays.
  • By the time you have filled the top tray, the bottom tray will have fully worked compost, which can be emptied out. This empty tray is then placed on the top ready for fresh waste.
  • The liquid fertilizer is drained regularly and needs to be diluted (10:1) before use.

N.B. Delivery to mainland UK is included, but due to courier restrictions, we may have to charge extra to deliver to the following postcodes – AB13 – 14, AB30 – 56,DD8 – 11, G83 & 84, IV, HS, KA27 – 28, KW, PA20 – 50, PA60 – 80, PH17 – 26, PH30 – 44, PH49 – 50, ZE, GY, IM, JE,TR21 – 25, PO30 – 41. All HS and all ZE postcodes. For delivery to these postcodes, please email jon@greengardener.co.uk and we will get an up to date price.


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